Sunday, October 20, 2013

Michael Jr is too cute :) (meanie)

Lately, Michael Jr (2 1/2 years old) has been saying different family members are mean. He picked it up from others saying it, but daddy told him not to say "mean" anymore.

So, tonight when Branden (our oldest) was carrying boxes downstairs and outside, MJ was following him around and they were talking. Well, it is October (nearing the end) in Wisconsin (northeast), so we are trying to keep the door closed as much as possible, as the heat is on in the house.

Well, after Branden had taken a box out, Michael had closed the door. When Branden was trying to get back in, Michael was laughing and saying that he locked Branden out of the house. Branden says to Michael that locking him out was mean, and then said, "You are a meanie," while laughing and smiling. Michael was saying something to Branden and Branden was not really listening and kept repeating that Michael was goofy and being a little meanie.

When I stopped to listen to what Michael was really saying, I called Branden back and asked if he heard what Michael was saying. Here's what MJ was saying, "Bandin, daddy no say mean; daddy no say mean." (Daddy said not to say "mean".)

Oh my word, that boy is such cute little thing.....I could just eat him up!!!!

I have no idea where that boy comes from!!